The PIATRA CRAIULUI National Park, established by Ord. 7/1990 of the MAPPM (Ministry of Waters, Forests and Environment Protection), regarding the establishment of national parks in Romania and confirmed by Law 5/2000 regarding the management plan for the national territory - Section III - protected areas, is a protected area of national interest and has the purpose of protecting and preserving representative samples of the national bio-geographic territory - including natural elements of special physical, geographical, fauna, flora, hydrology, geology, palaeontology, spelaeology, pedology, or any other type values - providing scientific, educating, relaxing and tourist visiting opportunities.

The Piatra Craiului National Park management’s responsibility is entirely the job of the Piatra Craiului National Park’s Administration (PCNPA), a subsidiary of the Brasov County Forest Authority - part of the National Forest Authority "Romsilva", established by Government Decision 1105/2003 regarding the reorganising of the NFA, with the annex 2 modified by GD 160/2004. PCNPA insures the coordination of all activities carried out in the area, for the purpose of biological conservation and rational use of the natural reserves, according to the Park’s management plan and it’s internal zoning.

For more detalils see the Piatra Craiului National Park Functioning and Organisation Rules